Grades 3-5 Math Project Gallery

Math Projects for Grades 3-5

This Math Project Gallery contains photographs of math projects completed by Grades 3-5 students. 
For more information on each project and its accompanying rubric see Math Projects Grades 3-5.

Math Project: A Thanksgiving DinnerA Thanksgiving Dinner
Math Project: A Thanksgiving DinnerA Thanksgiving Dinner
Math Project: A Thanksgiving DinnerA Thanksgiving Dinner
Math Project: Tallest Buildings of the WorldTallest Buildings of the World
Math Project: Split the BillSplit the Bill
Math Project: Comparing Volumes of Cereal BoxesComparing Volumes of Cereal Boxes
Math Project: Planning a Birthday PartyPlanning a Birthday Party
Math Project: Planning a Birthday PartyPlanning a Birthday Party
Math Project: Planning a Birthday PartyPlanning a Birthday Party
Math Project: Planning a Birthday PartyPlanning a Birthday Party
Math Project: Planning a Birthday PartyPlanning a Birthday Party
Math Project: Geometry in Your NeighborhoodGeometry in Your Neighborhood
Math Project: Geometry in Your NeighborhoodGeometry in Your Neighborhood
Math Project: Geometry in Your NeighborhoodGeometry in Your Neighborhood
Math Project: Geometry in Your NeighborhoodGeometry in Your Neighborhood
Math Project: Geometry in Your NeighborhoodGeometry in Your Neighborhood
Math Project: Geometry in Your NeighborhoodGeometry in Your Neighborhood
Math Project: Create a Math Story BookCreate a Math Story Book
Math Project: Create a Math Story BookCreate a Math Story Book
Math Project: A Class PicnicA Class Picnic Project
Math Project: A Class PicnicA Class Picnic Project
Math Project: Choose a NumberChoose a Number Project
Math Project: Choose a NumberChoose a Number Project
Math Project: Choose a NumberChoose a Number Project
Math Project: Posting a Birthday GiftPosting a Birthday Gift
Math Project: Posting a Birthday GiftPosting a Birthday Gift
Math Project: Posting a Birthday GiftPosting a Birthday Gift
Math Project: Posting a Birthday GiftPosting a Birthday Gift
Math Project: Everyday ArraysEveryday Arrays
Math Project: Everyday ArraysEveryday Arrays
Math Project: Adjusting a RecipeAdjusting a Recipe
Math Project: Adjusting a RecipeAdjusting a Recipe
Math Project: Build Your Dream HomeBuild Your Dream Home
Math Project: Build Your Dream HomeBuild Your Dream Home
Math Project: Build Your Dream HomeBuild Your Dream Home